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So far Editor Web has created 2381 blog entries.

FOCUS 9 New era, July 2016

Today, men and women from all over Mexico are organizing to use their knowledge and the law to defend their land against destruction by so-called mega-development projects, including the extraction of mineral resources foreseen in Mexico’s energy reform. As land takeovers tear the social fabric of Mexico’s communities, the violation of the right to [...]

2020-10-17T02:39:38-05:00July 20th, 2016|

FOCUS 8 New era, Fall 2015

As our readers know, Mexico’s crisis of violence and serious human rights violations takes place against a backdrop of territorial disputes between rival criminal organizations. The government’s official position is that it fights against these organizations in a “war against crime” whose different parties are perfectly distinguishable. The reality, exemplified in cases such as [...]

2020-10-17T02:39:51-05:00January 6th, 2016|

FOCUS 7 New era, Spring 2015

Over twenty-six years ago, a group of Jesuits founded the Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez Human Rights Center (Center Prodh) to respond to a reality in which human dignity was ignored and trampled. Following what they called “the signs of the times,” the Jesuits recognized with keen foresight that as the 1980s neared their close, it was time for [...]

2020-10-17T02:40:06-05:00May 7th, 2015|

FOCUS 4 New era, Fall-Winter 2013

In this issue of Focus, covering fall and winter 2013-2014, we examine several topics that are crucial to understanding the human rights situation in Mexico today. Among these is the right to protest, which is increasingly under attack not only in numerous states but also in Mexico City (The Federal District), where a local [...]

2020-10-17T02:40:43-05:00October 21st, 2013|

FOCUS 3 New era, Summer 2013

Despite the international community’s recent focus on the human rights crisis in Mexico under the National Action Party (PAN), which held the presidency during the last 12 years, it is crucial to recall that during the preceding 71 years the Institutional Revolution Party (PRI) was in power, and these decades were also marked with human rights abuses. In short, Mexico during the past century has been characterized by [...]

2020-10-17T02:40:56-05:00June 21st, 2013|
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